
Birmingham Stage Company

Phil Clark

David Almond's adaptation of his book Skellig. A wonderful tale of an old man found living in a garage. The set challenges of multi locations but also an exploration of friendship, loss, religion and nature. The set begins as an orderly collection of objects under a staircase and moves from browns to silvers as the junk becomes the garage and then moves upwards to break up into the sky. Bits of the junk formed arched windows for the scenes in the derelict house. An upper level provided the illusion of flight and hidden in the junk were lighting effects and props to use during the play. David Almond described the presence of the structure of the set as having created another character for the story. An actor musician show with fantastic music again from composer Jack Poore which reflects the moments of joy and sadness through the production.

The Flying Sequence

Mina and Michael join Skellig in the attic of the abandoned house and fly. This was done with lighting and the perforated steel platform which enabled us to give them the illusion of flight. In discussion with David he wasn't't really sure whether they actually flew or not and that became an important fact in the decision as to whether we actually enable the actors to fly.